Please note that this is the help section for the former Newsletter2Go software.

How can I request hardbounces via API?

If you use our API, you have three ways to request hardbounces: 

Variant 1:

Den Bounceground des Empfängers abfragen:
GET /lists/<lid>/recipients with _fields=statistic_last_bounce_reason and _filter=is_bounced="1".
With this call you get all contacts who are marked as "bounced". These aren't only hardbounces, you get softbounces too.

Variant 2:
GET /statistics with _filter=type=="hardbounced"
This variant will takes a bit longer to repeat, due it checks all statistics of the mailings. Therefore we recommend the third variant.

Variant 3:
GET /statistics with _filter=newsletter_id=="<newsletter_id>";type=="hardbounced"