Please note that this is the help section for the former Newsletter2Go software.

What is the function of each block?

Our Editor offers different kinds of blocks which you can combine. Which blocks you currently use shows you the "navigator" on the left side.

  • "Body" is the block of the background - the overall block which includes the whole newsletter. If you mark this block, you can edit the basic settings. 
  • "content" includes all blocks so the visible part of the newsletter. This element should never be deleted, because without it the email clients can't identify pictures, text, blocks and won't show it as you want to. 
  • Grid-rows are the Layout-blocks, which set the form of a block
  • Furthermore the tool differs between text, picture, header, web version and other elements. 

So a campaign is a puzzle of several blocks with content which build the whole complex. All elements influence the display in the different email clients.